105c Schools of Choice Policies
- One application per student, per year may be submitted. Grandville Public Schools participates in unlimited 105c Schools of Choice. No applications will be accepted after the application window has closed.
- According to the Michigan High School Athletic Association, students accepted into the Schools of Choice program who are in grades 9-12 who have participated in an interscholastic scrimmage or contest in an MHSAA sport on a school sponsored team in Michigan or elsewhere during the previous season for a sport, and then transfer to an MHSAA member school, are ineligible at all levels of that sport at that school through the next complete season in that sport. Students who transfer during a season in which they are participating are ineligible at all levels of that sport for the remainder of that season, and they remain ineligible at all levels of that sport through the next complete season in that sport.
- According to the Michigan High School Athletic Association, students accepted into the Schools of Choice program who are in grades 9-12 who have not participated in an interscholastic scrimmage or contest on a school-sponsored team in Michigan or elsewhere in an MHSAA sport one season may transfer from one school to another with no delay in eligibility at any level in that sport the next season.
- Accepted students must agree to comply with the choice district’s policies.
- Transportation is NOT provided for Schools of Choice students. Parents must provide their own transportation to and from school for children accepted for enrollment through the 105c School of Choice Plan.
- After you are accepted, you will be allowed continuous enrollment in that district until graduation or until you withdraw from that district, at which time you may return to your resident district. If you withdraw and still live outside of the district and later would like to re-enroll, you must re-apply through Schools of Choice.
- Special Education students wishing to enroll under Section 105c for whom a written cooperative agreement regarding costs cannot be obtained with their district of residence will be refused Schools of Choice.
- Enrollment may also be denied to students who have been suspended, expelled, or convicted of a felony.