Grades 1-12 Full Day; YK & K ONLY 1/2 Day

Grades 1-12 Full Day; YK & K ONLY 1/2 Day
8/19/2025 8/20/2025

Regular Full-Day Instructional Hours - Please be in your seat and ready to learn at the start time.
7:50-2:44 Grandville High School
7:53-2:41 Grandville Middle School
7:40-2:35 Oakestown Intermediate
8:28-3:41 Elementary Schools

M-W of the first week is an exception for kindergartners and young kindergartners, with half days M-W, 8:28-11:36 a.m., to help them ease into elementary school. Follow the regular calendar after that. Thursday is a full day for kindergartners.

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