Nursing Services

Nursing Staff
Tonya VanderSlice — High School
Photini Buck — Middle School and Oakestown Intermediate
Rashell VanEe — CPLC, Grand View, Central, South, West
Jeanette Kish — Early Learning Center, Pathways, Cummings, East
Contact Information
Medical Fax Line: 616-254-6227 
Nursing Staff Email: [email protected]
Annual Health Form
All students, regardless if they have a healthcare plan or require medication, must have an updated PowerSchool Annual Health Form completed for each school year. It is important to keep up-to-date health information as your student progresses. The form can be found under “Forms'' on your PowerSchool page.

Guidelines for Medication at School

Which Medical Forms Do I Need?

If Your Student Has: Forms Needed: Signed By:
Prescription Medication
given daily or as needed
Non-FDA Approved Medication (including supplements, certain vitamins, oils, etc.)
Medication Administration Consent Form Parent & Physician
Prescription Medication
given less than 2 weeks (antibiotic, eyedrop, etc.)
Non-Prescription Medication
given as needed
Medication Administration Consent Form Parent only
Asthma Medication Administration Consent Form AND Asthma Management Plan (Stoplight form, if available) Parent & Physician
Anaphylactic Allergies Medication Administration Consent Form AND Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan Parent & Physician
Diabetes Medication Administration Consent Form AND Diabetic Medical Management Plan (DMMP), including current insulin dosing chart Parent & Physician
Seizures Medication Administration Consent Form AND Seizure Action Plan from Neurologist Parent & Physician

Health Appraisal Form

Health Appraisal Form (for kindergarten and new students only)

Required Immunizations

View the vaccines required for school entry in Michigan.
Seventh-Grade Immunizations
According to state law, all students entering seventh grade in a public school in Michigan need to have their immunizations reviewed and updated if needed. In addition to the vaccines required at kindergarten entry, there are two immunizations specifically required for seventh grade: Tdap and Meningitis vaccines. All students entering seventh grade will need to have their immunizations updated before the first day of school.
If there are philosophical or religious reasons to waive the school-required vaccines, contact the local Health Department to obtain a certified waiver. For children with medical conditions prohibiting the administration of any of the school-required vaccines, a State of Michigan Medical Contraindication Waiver form from your healthcare provider will need to be submitted.

Reproductive Health Lesson Plans for Grades 4-6